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Gates A. Encyclopedia of Pollution 2020

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Gates A. Encyclopedia of Pollution 2020

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Textbook in PDF format Newly updated, the Encyclopedia of Pollution, Revised Edition is a comprehensive reference designed to address all aspects of pollution and the global impact on the environment in a single source. Containing more than 300 entries and essays interspersed throughout, it uses the most current scientific data to explain the different types of pollutants including properties, production, uses, environmental release and fate, adverse health response to exposure, and environmental regulations on human exposure. It provides the scientific background on the water, soil, and air of environments where the pollutants are released. Coverage also includes pollution regulation, the function of federal regulatory agencies and environmental advocacy groups, and the technology and methods to reduce pollution and to remediate existing pollution problems. Numerous case studies explore the most infamous of pollution events such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the Gulf War oil well fires, the Chernobyl disaster, Hurricane Katrina, the World Trade Center disaster, and the Love Canal in New York, among many others--including those that had great impact on legislation or that were used in popular media such as the films Erin Brockovich and A Civil Action. Biographies are provided of some of the leaders and pioneers of pollution study and activism. Other useful features include a detailed glossary, a timeline, and tables. 1,4-Dioxane 1-Bromopropane 3,3′-dichlorobenzidine absorption absorption barrier acid mine drainage (AMD) acrolein and pollution action levels activator (pollution) active ingredient (pollution) acute effect acute toxicity adaptation add-on control device Administrative Procedures Act administrative record (pollution) adsorption (pollution) advanced treatment Aegean Sea oil spill aerated lagoon aeration (pollution) afterburner (pollution) agricultural waste air mass (pollution) air permeability air pollutants and regulation air pollution air pollution and national parks air pollution and Sudbury mining air pollution and the ocean air quality standards airborne release aldrin/dieldrin and pollution algal blooms (pollution) alkaline (pollution) Amoco Cadiz oil spill amphibole (pollution) annular space antifouling paint and pollution antimony and pollution Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) aquifer test aquifers and pollution aquitard (pollution) architectural coatings Area of Concern (AOC) Argo Merchant oil spill arsenic in soil and groundwater in Bangladesh arsenicals artesian (aquifer or flowing well) asbestos and pollution Asbestos-Containing Waste Materials (ACWM) Atlantic Empress oil spill atmosphere (pollution) atomic mass atrazine and pollution attenuation (pollution) attractant (pollution) attrition (pollution) autotroph (primary producer) background level bacteria (pollution) bactericide baghouse filter baling barium and pollution base beaches and pollution bean sheet benthic or benthos benzene and pollution benzidine and pollution beryllium and pollution bioaccumulants bioaccumulation and biomagnification and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) bioavailabiliity biological measurement biological oxygen demand (BOD) (pollution) biological pesticides biomass bioremediation biotic community bloom boiler boom (pollution) Boston Molasses Disaster and environmental effects bounding estimate brackish water (pollution) Braer oil spill breakthrough breathing zone (pollution) brine mud broadcast application brownfields and cleanup burial ground (graveyard) Burmah Agate oil spill cadmium and pollution cap (pollution) capacity (pollution) capillary action (pollution) carbofuran and pollution carbon absorber carbon adsorption carbon dioxide and pollution carbon monoxide poisoning and pollution carbon tetrachloride and pollution carrier (pollution) carrying capacity (pollution) Carson, Rachel CAS registration number cask Castillo de Bellver oil spill cavitation (pollution) cells (pollution) cementitious centrifugal collector (pollution) CERCLIS characteristic (pollution) check-valve tubing pump chemical accident in Bhopal, India chemical compound chemical element chemical fire at the Chemical Control Corporation chemosterilant (pollution) Chernobyl nuclear disaster chiller chilling effect chlordane and pollution chlorinated solvents and pollution chlorinator chlorine-contact chamber chlorobenzene and pollution chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (pollution) chloroform and pollution chlorophenoxyl chromium and pollution clean coal technology cleanup (pollution) clear well (pollution) closed-loop recycling coal tar creosote and pollution coastal plain deposits and pollution cobalt and pollution coke oven Coliform Index coliform organism collector (pollution) collector sewers colloids (pollution) Colorado River and pollution commercial waste comminuter comminution commonsense initiative community relations compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) compound (pollution) conditionally exempt generators (CE) conductance (pollution) cone penetrometer testing (CPT) consent decree (pollution) construction and demolition waste (pollution) consumptive water use continental shelf and pollution conventional tilling Copenhagen Accord core (pollution) corrective action cost/benefit analysis cost-effective alternative critical effect Crutzen, Paul Josef Cryptosporidium contamination and infection cubic feet per minute (CFM) cultures and stocks cumulative ecological risk assessment cuttings (pollution) cyanide and pollution Cyclic Aliphatic Bromide Cluster data quality objectives (DQOs) DBCP (1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane) DCB (dichlorobenzene) DCE (dichloroethene) DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) dead zone deadmen decay products (pollution) dechlorination decomposition (pollution) Deepwater Horizon oil spill deicing chemicals and pollution delist deltas and environmental issues dermal absorption or penetration desertification and environmental issues deserts and pollution designer bugs destination facility destruction facility detection criterion detention time development effects dewater diatomaceous earth (pollution) diazinon and pollution dicofol diffused air digester (pollution) digestion (pollution) dilutents dinocap dinoseb dioxin and pollution direct runoff discharge (pollution) disinfectant by-product disinfectant time disposal facilities disseminated ore deposit dissolved solids (pollution) distillation (pollution) disulfoton and pollution diversion rate DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA hybridization domestic application Donora Killer Fog dosage/dose DOT reportable quantity downgradient DP hole draft permit drainage (pollution) drawdown (pollution) drinking water equivalent level drinking water state revolving fund drive casing dry cleaning and pollution dual-phase extraction duplicate Dust Bowl dustfall jar dystrophic lakes E. coli and contamination ecological entity ecological exposure ecological indicator ecological integrity ecological sustainability or environmental sustainability ecosphere (pollution) ecosystem structure EDB (1,2-dibromoethane) Edwards Aquifer and pollution effluent guidelines ejector (pollution) emergency and hazardous chemical inventory emergency (chemical) emergency response values emergency suspension emergent coastline emission cap enclosure Endicott solvent contamination endosulfan and pollution endrin and pollution end-use product enforcement Enforcement Decision Document (EDD) engineered controls enrichment (pollution) entrain environmental and health hazards of arsenic environmental concerns of landfills environmental exposure environmental fate data Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) environmental regulations overview environmental risk or ecological risk environmental site assessment epidemiology and health effects episode (pollution) Erika oil spill ethylbenzene and pollution eutrophication ex situ remediation of contaminated groundwater exclusionary ordinance exempt solvent exemption experimental use permit explosive limits export (pollution) exposure concentration exposure level exposure-response relationship extensive properties (of matter) extraction well extraterrestrial impacts and pollution extremely hazardous substances Exxon Valdez oil spill feasibility study (pollution) FIFRA pesticide ingredient filling filtration (pollution) Financial Assurance for Closure fix a sample flocculation (pollution) floor sweep Floridan Aquifer and pollution flowable flowmeter (pollution) flush focus (pollution) formaldehyde and pollution Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and pollution formulation free product friable asbestos front fuel switching functional equivalent fungistat furan and pollution future liability gasoline volatility generator (pollution) geologic log Giardia and pollution glacial deposits and pollution glaciation and pollution glass containers global warming and pollution gooseneck Gore, Al gradient (pollution) Greenpeace and the environment gross alpha or beta particle activity groundwater and pollution groundwater contamination and cemeteries Ground-Water Disinfection Rule Gulf of Mexico dead zone Gulf War oil spills Haiti deforestation half-life (pollution) Hawaiian Patriot oil spill hazard (pollution) hazard ratio hazardous air pollutants hazardous waste landfill hazardous waste minimization hazards identification (pollution) HCB (hexachlorobenzene) HCBD (hexachlorobutadiene) HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) Health Advisory Level heavy metals (pollution) heptachlor and pollution heterotrophic organisms high-density polyethylene (HDPE) (pollution) highest dose tested high-line jumpers high-risk community high-to-low-dose extrapolation hog waste and Hurricane Floyd hollow stem auger drilling household waste (domestic waste) (pollution) Hudson River PCB pollution human exposure evaluation human health risk hurricanes and environmental damage hydraulic conductivity hydride (pollution) hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (pollution) hydropneumatic hypersensitivity diseases hypoxia/hypoxic waters Imhoff cone imidacloprid and pollution imminent threat in situ (chemical) oxidation (ISCO) in situ flushing in situ groundwater remediation incineration at sea indoor air indoor air pollution indoor climate industrial mineral industrial pollution prevention industrial process waste inert ingredient infiltration rate influent/effluent streams and pollution inoculum (pollution) inorganic pollutants institutional waste instream use integrated exposure assessment intensity (pollution) intermediates interstate carrier water supply Interstate Commerce clause interstitial monitoring ion exchange treatment irreversible effect (pollution) irrigation efficiency isopleth isotope Ixtoc I oil spill karst and pollution Kingston coal ash release Kirkwood-Cohansey Aquifer and pollution Koeppen Climate System lagoon (pollution) Land Ban large water system laser induced fluorescence lateral sewers laundering weir LC50/lethal concentration ldlo leachate and groundwater contamination lead and pollution lifetime average daily dose light pollution listed waste lithification London "Killer Fog" Los Angeles air quality legislation lower detection limit lowest acceptable daily dose low-input agriculture major modification major stationary sources marine litter mass wasting and pollution maximum acceptable toxic concentration maximum contaminant level (MCL) maximum exposure range maximum residue level MBK (methyl butyl ketone) measure of exposure medium-size water system MEK (methylethyl ketone) melamine (1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine) mercury and pollution methoxychlor and pollution methyl orange alkalinity methyl parathion and pollution methylene chloride and pollution Meuse Valley air pollution disaster microbial pesticide microenvironmental method microenvironments (pollution) military facilities and the environment mineral reserve minor source miscellaneous ACM missed detection modified bin method modified source mold and pollution Molina, Mario J. monoclonal antibodies (MABs or MCAs) moratorium (pollution) MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) Muir, John multimedia approach municipal discharge municipal sludge N-Methylpyrrolidone naphthalene and pollution National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NOHSCP/NCP) nematicide nickel and pollution nitrogenous wastes nitrophenols "no further remedial action planned" no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) noise pollution nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) nonattainment area Non-Binding Allocations of Responsibility (NBAR) nonbiodegradable noncommunity water system noncompliance coal noncontact cooling water nonconventional pollutant nondegradation nondischarging treatment plant nonfriable asbestos-containing material nonhazardous industrial waste nonionizing electromagnetic radiation nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) nonmethane organic gases (NMOG) nonpoint sources nonpotable water nonrenewable resource nontransient noncommunity water system no-observed-effect-level (NOEL) NOx emission control systems NOx (nitrogen oxide) nuclear reactors and support facilities nutrient nutrient pollution ocean discharge waiver ocean dumping offshore oil production offstream use oil spills opacity and particulate emissions open burning operating conditions operation and maintenance optimal corrosion control treatment oral toxicity organic pollutants organophosphates organophyllic organotins original generation point osmosis other ferrous metals other glass other nonferrous metals other paper other plastics other solid waste other wood outdoor air supply overfire air overflow rate oxidation (pollution) ozone and chlorofluorocarbons ozone and pollution packed bed scrubber packer (pollution) PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) paper processor/plastics processor icle count iculate air control devices iculate and pollution ition coefficient (pollution) passive treatment walls Patterson, Clair Cameron "Pat" PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) PCE (tetrachloroethylene) PCP (pentachlorophenol) peak electricity demand peak levels Pennsylvania coal mine fires and pollution perchlorate and pollution percolating water performance bond performance data (for incinerators) performance standards persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemical personal air samples personal measurement pest control operator Pesticide Regulation Notice pesticides and pollution phenolphthalein alkalinity phenols (pollution) phosphorus and pollution phosphorus plants phthalate and pollution physical and chemical treatment phytoremediation phytotoxicity and pollution Pigment Violet 29 pilot test Piper Alpha oil spill plasma arc reactors plastic trash in the oceans plug flow PM10/PM2.5 point source and nonpoint source pollution point-of-contact measurement of exposure point-of-disinfectant application polar bond polllution and Ensign Bickford pollutant pathways Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) pollution Pollution Abatement Services pollution and agriculture pollution and Anniston Army Depot pollution and Craney Island pollution and Doe Run smelter pollution and Dover Air Force Base pollution and earthquakes pollution and golf courses pollution and Hurricane Katrina pollution and I-10 Truck Stop, Arizona pollution and Launch Complex 34 pollution and mining pollution and National Zinc pollution and New York City pollution and Parsons Chemical pollution and Price's Pit pollution and Southern Crop Services pollution and the Beaufort Dyke pollution and the Bell Lumber and Pole Company pollution and the Blake & Johnson Company pollution and the Bunker Hill Complex pollution and the Cuyahoga River pollution and the Ekofisk oil field pollution and the Fairchild Semiconductor pollution and the Feed Materials Production Center pollution and the Hanford Reservation pollution and the Hill Air Force Base pollution and the Kerr-McGee Rare Earths Facility pollution and the Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LPC) pollution and the Love Canal pollution and the Magic Marker Site pollution and the Marine Shale Processors pollution and the Mason City Coal Gasification Plant pollution and the McKin Disposal Company pollution and the Milan Army Ammunition Plant pollution and the Nevada Test Site pollution and the Nowruz Oil Field pollution and the Omaha lead site pollution and the Pacific Gas & Electric Company pollution and the Petrobras oil platform failure pollution and the Reactive Metals Extrusion Plant pollution and the Rocky Mountain Arsenal pollution and the Savannah River Site pollution and the Stringfellow acid pits pollution and the Times Beach Superfund site pollution and the Valley of the Drums pollution and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant pollution and the World Trade Center Disaster pollution and United Chrome Products pollution and Vermiculite Mountain pollution and volcanoes pollution and Waikele Naval Magazine pollution and war pollution and World Trade Center Disaster polonium postchlorination postclosure postconsumer materials/waste potential dose Poza Rica air pollution disaster prechlorination precipitation (pollution) precipitator preconsumer materials/waste preharvest interval Prestige oil spill prevalent level samples prevalent levels primary air pollutants primary waste treatment probability of detection process verification process wastewater process weight product level product water proposed plan protection and purpose of wetlands public health context pumping station pumping test putrefaction (environmental science) qualitative data qualitative use assessment quantitative data radiation and health effects radioactive waste radioisotopes (pollution) radionuclide (pollution) radium and pollution radon and health effects reaeration real-time monitoring reasonable maximum exposure recarbonization receptor (pollution) recharge rate Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level (RMCL) reconstruction of dose recycle/reuse redemption program reentry interval refueling emissions registrant regulated medical waste regulation of ocean pollution relative permeability (pollution) remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) remedial response repowering representative sample (environmental science) residual saturation responsiveness summary restricted entry interval restriction enzymes retrofit (pollution) Revelle, Roger Randall Dougan reversible effect riparian rights risk estimate rotary kiln incinerator runoff (pollution) Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) safe (pollution) safener saltwater incursion and water supply sampling frequency sanitation Santa Barbara oil spill Sea Empress oil spill secondary effect secondary extraction secondary materials sediment sediment yield sedimentation (pollution) sedimentation tanks seed protectant selenium and pollution semiconfined aquifer semipermeable membrane service connector service line sample service pipe settlable solids seven-day, consecutive low flow with a 10-year return frequency (7Q10) Seveso chemical accident sewage treatment plants shading coefficient sharps short-circuiting Sierra Club and the environment signal words significant deterioration significant municipal facilities significant violations single-breath canister Site Assessment Program siting skimming sludge digester smelter, pollution, and the Norilsk mine soil soil adsorption field soil and water conservation practices soil erodibility soil gas soil pollution soil sterilant solder (pollution) solid waste disposal solubility sorption (pollution) source area source characterization measurements space shuttle launches and air pollution space shuttle launches and air pollution sparge Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasures Plan (SPCP) spray tower scrubber stable air stack effect stack (pollution) Standard Industrial Classification Code standard sample State Implementation Plan call (SIP call) State Implementation Plans (SIP) static water depth static water level sterilizer streams and pollution strip-cropping structural deformation Stumm, Werner styrene and pollution subchronic exposure subwatershed sulfur dioxide (SO2) and pollution sulfur oxide control technologies supercritical water Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program Superfund sites surface impoundment surface runoff surfacing ACM surfacing material surrogate data surveillance system susceptibility analysis suspended solids system (ecology) system with a single service connection systemic pesticide Tasman Spirit oil spill TCA (trichloroethane) TCB (trichlorobenzene) TCE (trichloroethylene) technology-based limitations technology-based standards temperature inversion and air pollution thaw (pollution) thermal system insulation (TSI) Three Mile Island nuclear accident threshold level (pollution) threshold limit value (TLV) threshold (pollution) tides and pollution Tittabawassee River contamination tobacco smoke and health effects tolerance (pollution) toluene and pollution tonnage tornadoes and pollution Torrey Canyon oil spill total recovered petroleum hydrocarbon total suspended particles (TSP) toxaphene and pollution toxic chemical (pollution) Toxic Chemical Release Form toxic chemical use substitution toxic concentration toxicology transboundary pollutants transient water system transmission line (pollution) transportation control measures (TCMs) transporter trash-to-energy plan treatability studies treated wastewater treatment (pollution) Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility (TSD, TSDF) trickle irrigation trihalomethane (THM) trust fund (CERCLA) tube settler turbidimeter turnover (environmental science) ultraclean coal (UCC) ultraviolet rays underground injection wells underground mine underground sources of drinking water underground storage tank (UST) and pollution uranium mill tailings piles uranium mill tailings waste piles urban air pollution urea-formaldehyde foam insulation Urquiola oil spill Usinsk oil spill utility load vadose zone valued environmental attributes/components vapor vapor dispersion vapor plumes variance (pollution) ventilation rate (environmental science) ventilation/suction vinyl chloride and pollution virgin materials volatile (environmental science) volatile liquids volatile organic compound (VOC) and pollution volatile synthetic organic chemicals (VSOCs) volumetric tank test vulnerable zone waste feed waste generation waste load allocation waste piles wastewater infrastructure wastewater operations and maintenance wastewater treatment plan water pollution water purveyor water quality–based limitations water quality–based permit water solubility water storage pond water supplier water supply and the Ogallala Aquifer water supply system water treatment lagoon water well waterborne disease outbreak watershed approach water-soluble packaging waves and pollution weight of scientific evidence weir well monitoring well point wells and pollution wettable powder whole-effluent-toxicity tests wind turbine Woburn wells G and H contamination accident wood treatment facility wood-burning-stove pollution xylene and pollution yield (environmental science) Yucca Mountain Waste Repository zero air zero emission vehicles zinc and pollution