UIndex DMCA Policy & Takedown Requests
At UIndex, we respect intellectual property rights and comply with valid DMCA takedown requests. If you are a copyright holder or an authorized representative, you may submit a request following the guidelines below.
How to Submit a DMCA Notice
Send your DMCA claim to: dmca@uindex.org
Important Requirements for a Valid DMCA Claim:
- The claim must be written in English, clearly understandable, and professionally worded.
- Claims must be sent from an official company email address. Requests from free email services (e.g., AOL, Yahoo, Gmail) will be rejected.
- You must provide verifiable evidence proving you are the copyright holder or legally authorized to act on their behalf. This includes your full legal name (not an internet alias or username).
- Only plain-text emails will be processed. Emails containing attachments or non-plain-text formats will be rejected.
- Clear evidence must be provided that the content in question is legally copyrighted and that you hold the rights to it.
- Content removal requests must include direct links to the infringing materials. We do not process requests containing links to search queries, categories, subcategories, or general media pages.
- A valid email address and sufficient contact information must be included in your request.
Important Notes
Copyright infringement is defined as the unauthorized use of copyrighted works in a manner that violates the exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder. However, please be aware that copyrights, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property are distinct legal concepts.
Limitations of Removal
After reviewing and validating your request, UIndex will remove the specified content from our platform. However, please note that we cannot remove content from third-party websites that may be hosting the material, even if it includes our name or branding in its description.
If you have any questions, please ensure your inquiry follows the above guidelines before reaching out.